Level III Volunteer Training (In-Person)
Step 1: Complete the Volunteer Application And Release Form (see qr code below, #1)
Step 2: Complete the DCSD Volunteer Code of Conduct (see qr code below, #2)
Step 3: Complete the Mandated Reporter Video & Quiz (see qr code below, #3)
- Create an account(no cost)
- Choose State: GA
- Click Child Abuse and Neglect Course: Mandated Reporter
- Click Start Course
- Complete Quiz
- Save or print your certificate.
Step 4: Send a copy of your certificate to DCSDvolunteer@dekalbschoolsga.org
Step 5: Attend Volunteer Training Weekly Face-to-Face Volunteer Training is available at the IMPACT HUB every Thursday at 1:00 PM.
Step 6: Background check
Once you have completed the Volunteer Training (either face-to-face or Zoom) you will be emailed a link that will direct you to get your background check (offered Tuesdays &Thursdays at NO COST). You will be given a picture ID badge to wear when you volunteer.
Please contact Demone Gunter via email @ DCSDvolunteer@dekalbschoolsga.org if you have any questions.
Join Montgomery PTO
Annual membership in the PTO is FREE for all families -- new or returning!
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, February 18
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Monday, February 24
- Tuesday, February 25
- Wednesday, February 26
- Thursday, February 27